5 Tips for Flying DJI MAVIC Drone in the Snow

If you have a drone and you’re wondering whether there are people who fly them in the snow then the answer is, yes. I took my DJI Mavic drone out in a snow storm with some reluctance and after flying it on and off for a few hours, I learned that you CAN indeed fly drones in the snow!

Here are a few tricks to help you get started!

First, if you drive a car with a hatchback then you’ll want to use the rear of your car for protection from the snow and wind as you prep the drone for flight. Then, after taking off, you can sit in the back of your car under the protection of the hatchback.

Flying Drone from Back of the Car
Having a car with a hatchback is helpful!

Second, you’ll want to bring either a large flattened paper bag or piece of cardboard for placing on the snow to serve as a launch and landing pad. I noticed that my drone didn’t want to land when I was hovering over the snow. It was almost as if the drone knew that the snow wasn’t a stable surface.

Third, you’ll want to bring a wad of paper towels for wiping the drone down after each flight. You could use a bath towel but they’re kind of heavy and could damage your propellers. Also, you’ll want to have either tissues or an eye glass cloth for wiping the camera lens after each flight.

Fourth, you will want to hold shots for longer than planned to compensate for the impact that the snow and wind will have on the shot. I noticed that the snow was making the drone fly erratically at times even when it wasn’t windy.

Fifth, shoot from multiple angles because the snow will make it difficult to tell whether you’re getting good footage or not. I was pleasantly surprised to see the results I got from some shots I didn’t even think were going to be good while disappointed to see that the shots I had high expectations for didn’t come out that great.

Finally, I recommend only taking your drone out in the snow if it is so cold that it is a dry snow and not a wet snow. I can totally see wet snow sticking to the drone and weighing it down in flight and doing damage to internal components. Also, you may want to bring two batteries because the cold may shorten the flight time.

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