5 Tech Essentials for Working Remotely While Traveling

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woman's hands tying on laptop
Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash

At this point in my life, I’ve spent 20+ years working in technology and even more time traveling—both internationally and around the United States. And in most recent years, I’ve been working fully remote from home (and of course from many of my favorite travel spots.)

During this time I have learned quite a bit about the technology essentials you need to successful working from anywhere. No, you can’t bring your whole home office with you—but you really don’t need to. These top five gadgets are all must-haves in my opinion. They will allow you to pack light, stay connected, and get the job done without jeopardizing your online security.


LIGHTWEIGHT LAPTOP – These days my favorite laptop for working remotely while traveling is the MacBook Air. It is super light, has a great display and a long battery life. This is the model I use.

LAPTOP SLEEVE – You really don’t want to be putting your laptop in your backpack without a sleeve because you could damage the display. I love this one because it is water resistant and can fit both M1 and M2 MacBook Airs.

CHARGING CABLE EXTENSION – If you go with my recommendation above for a lightweight laptop then you’ll definitely want to extend the charging cable for times when you’re in the airport or a coffee shop and the outlet is just to far away to reach where you’re sitting. I recommend going with Apple’s extension to avoid fires.

USB ADAPTER – You’ll want to be making backups of files, photos or videos from time to time. This hub is great for connecting to the older USB standard.

VPN SOFTWARE – There is a good chance that if you’re working on WiFi in coffee shops, hotels or public spaces that the network is not secure. In this day and age, you’d think more people would secure their wireless networks but they still don’t which makes any devices that connect to those unsecured networks vulnerable. The best way to protect your data is with VPN software. I use NORD VPN and it works great.

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