4 Simple Life Hacks to Start Managing Your Screen Time Addiction More Effectively

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If it feels like you’re losing the war against the screen-time-addicted version of your self then you might just need to re-strategize. As the expression goes, wars are fought one battle at a time so you need to start focusing on achieving smaller victories in order to turn the tide in the larger engagement.

Here are 4 simple life hacks to start managing your screen time more effectively.

  1. Keep your phone on mute all the time. This simple trick will stop making you a slave to the device.
  2. Suppress social media notifications on the home screen. At this point, our brain chemistry has made it abundantly clear to us that it just can’t help itself. If you see notifications, you’re gonna wanna click on them so why not make it more work to see them?
  3. Keep your phone out of the bedroom. Really, you can just as easily let it charge in the kitchen. If your main justification is that you use it as an alarm clock then just get one of these instead.
  4. Enable the Do Not Disturb Feature While Driving. This feature provides a nice support system for those who are often tempted to peek at their phones while driving. You can read more about enabling this on an iPhone here.

If you are looking to quantify your success with these life hacks then be sure to record your your average screen time usage in the new iOS Screentime feature before you get started implementing these strategies. You should see a noticeable difference. You can read more about this feature here.

Apple’s new screen time feature in iOS 12

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